Here we are making final preparations and receiving course instructions right before the swim.
Wetsuits on and all ready to go...now we just need to get in the water.
Everyone anxiously waiting for the start of the swim...getting the feet use to the chilly water.
Our lead kayak with a flock of swimmers in tow in the background.
Swimmers navigating by one of the 15 buoys along the 1.5+ mile course.
Action shot of the competition heating up a little. Good example of a swimmer spotting the lead pack swimmer and preparing to make a pass.
Here we have our very own member of the Polar Bear Club powering through the water...NO WETSUIT!
Swimmer being paced by one of our kayaking safety crew.

Anyone recognize this swimmer??? I'd know that stroke anywhere.
Swimmers finishing the course...that red buoy never looked so good!
Here's our fast swimmer of the day completing the course. Also a good shot of the multi-million dollar beach houses along the course...we may not be able to live there, but they sure make good landmarks.
No, the water isn't so cold that his hands turned blue...he's got gloves on.

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